About me
My name is Caitlin Sanderson and I'm an aspiring writer. I graduated from the University of Winchester in 2019 with a degree in Creative and Professional Writing. I'm currently making edits to what I hope will be my debut children's novel, while writing a second one. While novels are my main area of interest, I also enjoy writing scripts and film reviews.
I created The Chick Flick Chick as a space to explore women in the film industry, their roles off and onscreen. It is argued that women have these trashy films, "Chick Flicks", targeted to them, while men don't have a genre of generally bad films aimed towards them. Firstly, have you heard of the Transformers franchise?
Secondly, I do not believe that all of these films exist to manipulate women or dumb us down. They exist to make Hollywood producers lots and lots of money. However, while many chick flicks are not great films, a good amount of them are. They explore themes of love between romantic partners, families and friendships in a way that films targeted for men may not. Whether or not any of these depictions are handled well will be explored here, as well as the quality of the films themselves.
I am happy to explore love on the big screen. I hope it helps both you and I make a little sense of it. If not, we can cringe and laugh together at what I witness. On the main BLOG page, I have my reviews. THE CHICK FLICK CHECKLIST is a list of tropes I have noticed frequently appear in chick flicks. I am continually editing the list as I watch more films, so let me know if there are any I have left out or haven't noticed yet.
Thank you for taking the time to read my work. I hope you enjoy it.